Health professionals

9 habits to avoid after doing sport

After doing sport you may think that everything is done, but it is not, the work does not end when you leave the gym; it is important that you do certain things after training and avoid doing others. This will help you to get results and avoid certain injuries.

To help you improve your fitness, here are a few habits that you should avoid after doing sport.

Not changing your clothes

When you come out of training in sweaty clothes, your muscles are hot and if you stay in wet clothes, they get cold, which can lead to diseases and skin rashes. It is therefore essential to put on some dry clothes to keep your muscles warm and promote circulation, which aids your recovery.

Showering when you finish training

This is another common mistake, as it is best to shower 1-2 hours after finishing your workout. This is because the temperature your body reaches after exercising is usually 38-39 degrees, and water comes out of the shower colder than this, so this change in temperature can affect your circulation and blood pressure.

Stopping immediately

This is probably the mistake we all make. When you finishtraining it is essential to do a very light activity, like treadmill walking, to give your body time to recover and to reach and maintain the right heart rate.

stretching after sport

Not doing stretches

Stretching after training helps the heart to regain its normal rhythm and relax the muscles, preventing injuries and muscle cramps.

Waiting too long to eat

Another common mistake is not eating anything after finishing your workout, but eating right after you finish would also be a big mistake.  Ideally, you should eat something after 20-30 minutes, a healthy snack that contains proteins and carbohydrates to help you recover.

Hydration is also essential, and not just after sport, but throughout the day.

Eating too much after a workout

When you finish training, you get hungry and tend to eat more than you need. It is important to control the urge to eat after training, which is why you should eat asnack 20 minutes after finishing and drink some water. This will stop you from getting ravenously hungry, you will feel more sated and you will eat the right amount of food.

Drinking energy drinks

After training you should drink water and not energy drinks, as these contain stimulants (caffeine, ginseng, taurine, sugar, etc.), which interfere with your nervous system and can sometimes lead to heart problems.

If you find it difficult to drink water, you can drink isotonic drinks that replenish your mineral salts and electrolytes.

Not cleaning your kit

People usually think that washing your sportswear and towel is enough, but this is not the case. It is important to wash your headphones, gloves, mats, etc., everything you use, as the moisture that remains on these items becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Simply wipe with a soapy cloth and allow to dry in the air.

Not sleeping well

Sleeping well and resting is essential for our bodies to recover and our muscles to develop.  In fact, when you do not sleep well and do not get enough rest at night after training, the tissues in your brain and body cannot be fully repaired.

Therefore, it is essentialto sleep for at least seven hours, so that your muscles can fully recover, preventing stiffness or even injury.

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