Foods rich in vitamin B6
<strong>Vitamin B6 </strong>or pyridoxine is a vitamin that <strong>is used to </strong><strong>produce energy</strong> from nutrients and to help <strong>form red blood cells and antibodies; </strong>it also helps to <strong>strengthen the digestive and nervous systems. </strong>And it also:
<li><strong>Helps </strong>to maintain <strong>brain function.</strong></li>
<li>Supports the<strong> formation of glycogen.</strong></li>
<li>Is involved in<strong> carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. </strong></li>
Vitamins are essential organic substances in the metabolic processes that take place during the nutrition of living organisms because they allow the body to absorb nutrients from food.
<h2>Recommended daily intake of vitamin B6</h2>
<strong>Broadly speaking, the recommended average daily intake of vitamin B6 </strong>is:
<li>For adult<strong> men </strong>it is between <strong>3 mg and 1.7 mg</strong><strong>.</strong></li>
<li>For adult <strong>women</strong>:<strong> 7 mg, </strong>rising to<strong> 1.9 mg during pregnancy.</strong></li>
<li>For<strong> children: between 1 mg and 1.3 mg. </strong></li>
It is important to meet your daily intake requirements of this vitamin, as <strong>deficiencies can lead to</strong> <strong>irritability, mood swings, depression or anxiety</strong>. Additionally, <strong>it may cause</strong> <strong>hives, rashes, chapping</strong> and peeling of the lips <strong>and swelling of the tongue</strong>.
To avoid such problems, it is essential to follow a healthy, balanced diet that provides your body with all the nutrients and vitamins <!– wpml:html_fragment </strong> –> it needs. <a href=””style=”color:inherit”></a>
At specific times or when your physical activity requires an additional intake, you can also get help from natural food supplements like <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”><strong><span style=”font-size: 20px;”>Keriba Sport</span></strong></a>, a combination of Pomanox (<strong>highly concentrated</strong> fresh pomegranate extract), <strong>magnesium and vitamin B6</strong>.
<strong>This food supplement is recommended for athletes</strong> because it reduces muscle pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits cartilage breakdown and delays the onset of exhaustion, resulting in improved performance with less training (clinical study conducted by the Exercise Physiology Laboratory of the Catholic University of Murcia UCAM).
We have provided a list of <strong>foods that are rich in vitamin B6 below, </strong>so you can plan your daily diet to avoid a deficiency<strong>. </strong>
<h2>Foods rich in vitamin B6</h2>
<h2><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1343 alignright” src=”” alt=”foods rich in vitamin B6″ width=”300″ height=”230″ /></h2>
Pyridoxine is a <strong>water-soluble vitamin</strong>, i.e. it dissolves easily in water, and it is commonly found in <strong>animal and plant products. </strong>The foods rich in vitamin B6 are as follows:
<li><strong>Meat and meat products</strong>, excluding bacon and pork belly. Among them, liver, lean pork and beef, bacon and serrano ham are some of the highest in vitamin B6. </li>
<li><strong>Whole grains and wholegrain products</strong>, as this vitamin is found in the bran and husk. Vitamin B6 can be found in rice, flour, wheat bran, bread, pasta and corn. </li>
<li><strong>Fish, </strong>with the richest being salmon, sardines, cod, sea bream, trout, sole and tuna and <strong>shellfish</strong>: crab, spider crabs, barnacles, octopus, lobster and langoustine also contain this vitamin. </li>
<li><strong>The vegetables</strong> that are especially high in vitamin B6 are Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, leeks, chilli and peppers. </li>
<li><strong>The pulses</strong> with the highest content are beans, soybeans, lentils, broad beans and lupins. </li>
<li>The <strong>nuts</strong> with high pyridoxine content also include pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts and peanuts. </li>
<li><strong>Fruits </strong>also provide this nutrient, especially those that<strong> do not belong to the citrus group</strong>: avocados, raisins, dried figs and bananas. </li>
<li>You can also consume this vitamin in spices<strong>, </strong>although they do not provide significant amounts of it, but they help the body to absorb and amass reserves of it. The <strong>spices that promote the absorption of vitamin B6</strong> are saffron, cinnamon, oregano, pepper, paprika, nutmeg and basil.</li>