Beauty after 50
As you get older, your body undergoes changes, especially if you are a woman, but there is no reason why you can’tlookyoung and stunning as you get older.
Nowadays, cosmetics play an important role in this process, but remember that the key is to take as much care of yourself on the inside as you do on the outside. You have to adapt your habits and lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc.) to this new stage of life.
The organ where the passage of time is most noticeable is probably the skin, which is also affected by external factors (the sun’s rays, pollution, cold, etc.). To slow down and reduce the impact of ageing on your dermis, you should take care of your skin as soon as possible, to keep it healthy and beautiful.
Changes after 50
As we have already mentioned, the biggest changes in the body are seen in the skin:
- The number and activity of connective tissue cells decrease.
- Collagen and elastin production are reduced, resulting in a loss of volume and elasticity.
- Vascularisation, sweat and sebaceous secretions decrease.
- The skin becomes thinner and expression lines are accentuated.
- Your pigmentation changes, leading to the appearance of blemishes.
- Your skin loses its glow, resulting in a duller skin tone.
Tips for staying healthy and beautiful after you turn 50
To cope with these changes, we have some basic tips to help you adjust to this new stage of life:
- Healthy and balanced diet. In our blog we have already talked about healthy eating after 50.
- Hydration (drink at least 2 litres of water a day).
- Physical exercise, for 30 minutes a day on average.
- A positive attitude.
- Rest, it is important to maintain a good sleep schedule and to sleep for 7-9 hours a day.
But also, if you want to stay beautiful after you turn 50, it is essential to nurture your natural beauty. To achieve this, make sure you follow the recommendations below.
The following are important if you want to care for your skin and hair:
- Cleaning: always in the morning and at night with products (make-up removers, soaps, shampoos, etc.) that are suitable for your skin and hair type.
- Exfoliation, once or twice a week to speed up skin cell renewal and improve your skin’s appearance. It also helps to clean your pores and stimulate capillary circulation.
- Hydration: for mature skin it is essential to maintain or restore the natural moisture of the skin and hair. It is therefore important to use moisturising creams, serums or conditioners that are specifically designed for your type of skin, and if possible they should be rich in hyaluronic acid, vitamin Q10, almond oil, etc., as these have great moisturising properties that enhance water retention, increasing skin volume, reducing wrinkles and keeping hair strong and healthy.
- Protection to prevent oxidative stress on cells, dehydration and brittle hair. For this we recommend always using products with a sun protection factor, with chemical filters, which are fat-soluble and which have a physical sunscreen.
To take care of yourself from the inside out and to slow down ageing and its effects (wrinkles, blemishes, dehydration, sagging, hair loss and thinning, etc.), it is important to consume antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (selenium, magnesium, flavonoids, etc.). A balanced diet and supplementation help to combat ageing by providing these benefits to your skin and your whole body.
To stay beautiful after you turn 50, you can take extra antioxidants, which help to prevent ageing, strengthen your hair and nurture your natural beauty. We recommend Keriba Forte. This is a natural antioxidant food supplement, formulated with the extract of fresh whole pomegranates and containing a high amount of their natural polyphenolic antioxidant punicalagins, which provide benefits such as:
- Stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which tighten the skin, prevent the formation of wrinkles and make your skin glow.
- Providing protection against UV radiation, promoting the regeneration of cells in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin.
- Helping to prevent hyperpigmentation and the appearance of blemishes.
- Increasing hair density and thickness, improving its appearance and volume.
- Helping to prevent hair loss, strengthening and promoting its growth.