Health professionals

8 tips for running in the summer

We may be in the middle of the summer, but people who like running do not want to stop doing it, and if you have just started running, you won’t want to lose your momentum.  So, Probelte Pharma is going to give you some tips for running in the summer, so that your sporting performance does not decrease and your health is not harmed by the heat.

If you follow these recommendations, you will be less likely to quit this sport in the summer.

Tips for running in the summer

  • Avoid running at the hottest time of the day (at midday). Running in the summer, especially outdoors, is best done early in the morning or after 7 pm.
  • Protect yourself from the sun, even if it looks cloudy. Use sun protection, especially on your face and neck, and don’t forget to wear sunglasses and a cap. This will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays: photoageing and oxidative stress.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Don’t forget to take a bottle of water with you when you go running and keep drinking it throughout the day. Remember that you should drink at least two litres of water a day.
  • Choose suitable clothing. Besides the heat, a couple of other factors come into play, i.e. whether or not it is windy, and whether the clothing is loose or tight-fitting. The most important aspect of clothing is the fabric and whether it is loose-fitting. If you are running in the sun, the wind is not blowing and you are wearing tight-fitting clothes, choose white clothing, but if it is windy and your clothes are not tight-fitting, dark clothing is best. In short, it is best to opt for light, loose-fitting fabrics that lower your body temperature.

running in the summer

  • Pay attention to the weather, because when the air is too ‘heavy’ or humid, the body finds it harder to cool itself down by sweating. It is also likely that you will not have as much oxygen in your lungs, even if you breathe in as usual.
  • Lower your intensity because, due to the high temperatures, your body needs to exert more effort to cope with the exercise. It is therefore essential that you reduce your intensity and pace so that you can recover properly from the training later on.
  • Look after your diet. It is always important to provide your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal sporting performance while not harming your health. If you change your diet in the summer, either because you lose your appetite due to the heat or to shed a few pounds, make sure that the amount and variety of food you eat provides you with the right calories and nutrients for your needs. If you are lacking any nutrients, you can always take high-quality natural food supplements, like Keriba Sport by Probelte Pharma, whose ingredients, especially magnesium and vitamin B6, help to reduce tiredness and fatigue, delaying the onset of exhaustion, which also helps to reduce muscle damage.
  • Enjoy yourself. This factor is very important if you want to stay motivated and keep doing this sport. Make the most of the good weather and go for a run on the beach or in the mountains, enjoy the scenery and have a great time while you train.

If you follow these tips, you won’t find it difficult to keep running this summer, as your experience will be more rewarding, both physically and mentally.

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