Health professionals

Punicalagins: the most powerful known antioxidant molecules

Punicalagins are pomegranate polyphenols that are found in higher concentrations in the membranes and peel of the fruit, so consuming the extract, which includes all parts of the fruit, is more beneficial than consuming the fresh food itself.


Their antioxidant properties have been widely publicised for many years, but there are numerous other health benefits. Here are some of the lesser-known but equally important ones.


The health benefits of punicalagins

Consuming punicalagins helps to:


  • Improve your memory, thanks to their antioxidant properties that protect cells from free radicals, delaying cell ageing and degeneration.


  • Enhance your physical performance. During physical exercise there is an overload of free radicals that can damage various body tissues, which has a negative impact on health and performance as it can increase muscle overload and fatigue, thus delaying recovery. Due to their antioxidant properties, punicalagins reverse these effects, thereby reducing fatigue and helping to enhance performance.


  • Prevent and treat inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, by neutralising free radicals and cartilage-degrading enzymes, thus reducing inflammation.


  • Prevent cancer, especially prostate, breast and colon cancer,as they contain phytochemicals that have anti-tumour activity and protect cells against metastasis.




  • Combat obesity, as they help to regulate blood sugar.


  • Regulate cholesterol by reducing triglyceride synthesis.


  • Improve cardiovascular health, as their antioxidant properties and ability to protect the artery walls help to destroy the lipids (fats) that build up in the arteries and produce cholesterol.


  • Treat and prevent infections, thanks to their antibacterial properties.


  • Prevent functional and urological disorders, as well as helping to treat erectile dysfunction.


  • Delay skin ageing thanks to their antioxidant properties, that actively and effectively combat free radical damage to skin cells.


To benefit from their properties, it is best to consume the minimum recommended daily amount of 200 mg punicalagins, which can be obtained by drinking pomegranate tea, which is made from its peel and membranes, or by taking food supplements, like those in our Keriba range. These are composed of natural extract obtained from whole fresh pomegranates with our fully innovative system that uses physical extraction methods, without using organic solvents or any other chemicals, as only water is used to extract it.


Keriba supplements contain the highest concentration of punicalagins available on the market.

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