Health professionals

Movember: November for men's health

A few years ago, the Movember movement, which is symbolised by men growing moustaches, was created, initially to shine the spotlight on the most common cancers in men. It has since evolved to highlight the need to improve their quality of life and life expectancy, which is lower than that of women.


Therefore, this month we want to focus on the importance of men looking after their health, in order to live longer and better.


Types of male diseases

There are two types of cancer that are specific to men, which, if detected early, can be successfully eradicated:


  • Prostate cancer. Not to be confused with benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). There is no link between them and BPH does not increase the risk of getting prostate cancer. However, their symptoms can be very similar. It is very important for men over the age of 45 to have annual check-ups because prostate cancer only produces symptoms when it is at a very advanced stage.


  • Testicular cancer. This usually affects young men between the ages of 15 and 35 and is the most common cancer among men in this age group, although it can appear later in life. It usually presents with the appearance of a lump or pain in the testicular area, requiring a visit to a doctor for a diagnosis. It should be noted that this cancer has a 95% 5-year survival rate.


Regular medical check-ups and a healthy lifestyle can be crucial in preventing or detecting both these diseases at an early stage.


There are other health problems that also affect men in greater numbers, such as the risk of suicide, as a higher percentage of men than women commit suicide, so it is also vitally important to take care of men’s mental health and promptly address problems that can have a disastrous outcome.




Tips for looking after men’s health

To prevent and combat these diseases, we recommend following these tips:


  1. Healthy anti-inflammatory food: avoid products that are high in saturated fats and refined sugars, and opt for natural foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (olive oil, avocados, oily fish, etc.). Eat fruit and vegetables, wholemeal flours and cereals, foods rich in fibre and high-quality proteins (white meat, white and oily fish, pulses, etc.).
  2. Do moderate exercise regularly. As well as helping to keep you healthy, it improves your mood and sleep and helps to eliminate toxins.
  3. Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Drink water and keep yourself properly hydrated. You should drink at least 2 litres a day.
  5. Look after your testicles. Always choose cotton underwear that is breathable and not too tight. Avoid resting your laptop on your legs as this generates heat, which lowers sperm quality.
  6. Look after your sexual health. As well as making you feel better about yourself, sex also improves prostate health.
  7. Take your time to urinate, do it frequently, make sure you are relaxed when you urinate, without any distractions and without forcing your bladder or cutting off your stream; empty your bladder completely.
  8. Rest. Sleep is essential to keep your overall health in peak condition, and you should always aim for 7-8 hours a day.
  9. See your urologist, especially after you turn 45-50, the age at which you should take your prostate health more seriously. Screening for prostate cancer should begin at the age of 40 for men with a family history of prostate cancer and men who have had vasectomies. Don’t wait until you have symptoms or until the problem, whatever it is, is already noticeable. A yearly visit to your urologist is essential for the prevention and early detection of any type of problem or disease that can affect men’s health.


To help you start taking care of yourself and looking after yourself better, at Probelte Pharma we wanted to support the Movember movement by offering a discount on a three-pack of Keriba Forte, our natural supplement that helps to prevent functional, urological and prostate disorders. Additionally, in the long term, taking pomegranate extracts supports good sexual health by preventing fibrosis of erectile tissue.

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