Health professionals

Increasing the strength and density of your hair

At times you may notice that your hair falls out more easily, that it has lost its density, its shine, etc. and this may be due to a number of causes.

The main causesof weak hair are:

  • Hormonal changes, especially in women during puberty, when taking oral contraceptives, during pregnancy and the menopause.
  • Hormonal processes that affect hair quality and growth, depending on its individual characteristics.
  • Genetics. Having sparse or fine hair, and being more prone to weak hair, can be partly due to genetics.
  • Lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle promotes healthy hair.
  • Stress, which has a negative impact on your scalp.
  • Drugs such as anticoagulants, contraceptives, antidepressants and medicines used for gout, heart problems or high blood pressure. These affect the density and strength of your hair, as they contribute to hair loss.

But it is also important to bear in mind that weak hair and hair loss can occur naturally due to the hair growth cycle.

The hair growth cycle or life cycle

Under normal conditions, hair growth takes place in a three-phase cycle:

  1. Growth phase (anagen), which lasts for around two to six years. The hair grows by about 1 cm per month.
  2. Resting or catagen phase, which lasts for about three weeks.
  3. The shedding or telogen phase, which last for between three and four months.

strength and density of your hair

How to increase the strength and density of your hair

Lifestyle changes and a wide range of products can help you to strengthenand increase the density of your hair. We recommend:

  • Following a balanced diet that provides a proper daily intake of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids omega-3 and -6, vitamins (B5, E, H, etc.) and minerals like iron and zinc. It is also important to stay properly hydrated.
  • Exercising and getting enough sleep to lower your daily stress.
  • Getting your hair cut regularly, to prevent split ends, tangles, and poorer hair quality.
  • Drying your hair with continuous motions and leaving the hair slightly damp, can help to add volume, texture and bounce to the hair.
  • Using specific shampoos, gel, conditioners, etc. to strengthen your hair and help add volume to it. We recommend using products that contain collagen, nourishing natural extracts, antioxidants and energisers like ginseng, rosemary and chamomile.
  • Using fortifying and anti-hair loss ampoules and lotions, which improve blood circulation in the scalp and strengthen it.
  • Taking food supplements that are rich in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and natural antioxidants to help nourish your hair follicles. We recommend Keriba Duo, as its high antioxidant content (punicalagins from fresh whole pomegranates and hydroxytyrosol from olives) helps to maintain healthy, strong hair, increasing its density and thickness and preventing hair loss.
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