Psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatments.
Psoriasis is a skin disease caused by an acceleration in the life cycle of skin cells. This leads to a rapid build-up of cells on the surface of the skin, forming scales and red patches that cause severe itching and sometimes soreness.
It is a very common chronic disease, which tends to come and go. In other words, it comes in cycles: outbreaks that last for weeks or months and then subside or even go into complete remission.
There is no cure for this skin disease but its symptoms can be reduced and controlled.
The symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person, but the most common ones are:
- Red skin patches covered with thick, silvery scales
- Small scaly patches, especially common in children
- Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
- Itching, burning or soreness
- Nail problems: thickened, pitted or ridged nails
- Swollen and stiff joints
The cause of psoriasis is not yet known for certain, but it is thought to relate to an immune system problem affecting T cells and other white blood cells in the body called «neutrophils».
It consists of a cycle in which the T cells that move around the body fighting viruses and bacteria attack healthy skin cells by mistake, triggering an increase in the production of healthy skin cells, T cells and other white blood cells.
Although the specific cause is not known, researchers say that a number of factors trigger and/or affect the disease:
- Infections, like strep throat or skin infections
- Skin lesions: cuts, bites, sunburn, etc.
- Alcohol abuse
- Vitamin D deficiency
Certain medicines, like those for high blood pressure, beta-blockers, antimalarial drugs, etc.
Anyone can develop psoriasis, but these factors can increase your risk:
- Family history. This is one of the major risk factors.
- Bacterial and viral infections. For example, people with HIV are more likely to develop psoriasis. Children and young adults with recurrent infections like strep throat may also be at higher risk.
- Stress. As this affects the immune system and may increase the risk of developing psoriasis.
- Obesity. Being overweight increases the risk of psoriasis, which mainly develops in skin folds and creases.
- Smoking. Smoking not only increases your risk of getting psoriasis, it can also increase the severity of the disease.
Psoriasis treatments reduce inflammation and clear up the skin. There are three types of treatments:
- Topical treatments: creams and ointments applied to the skin are effective in treating mild to moderate psoriasis.
- Phototherapy: treatment using sunlight, UVB rays, lasers, etc.
- Systemic drugs: to treatpsoriasis that is extensive or resistant to other types of treatment.
In addition to these treatments, psoriasis can be improved by using and consuming:
- Aloe vera, because aloe extract, taken from the plant, can reduce redness, flaking, itching and inflammation.
- Omega-3, as it helps to reduce the inflammation caused by psoriasis.
- Pomegranate extract, which helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. We recommend Keriba Duo because of its high concentration of pomegranate.