Health professionals

Combating ageing: Keriba Forte, your natural supplement

The keys to healthy ageing

As you age, your body and mind change, and it is essential to adopt healthy lifestyle habits that allow you to mitigate the mental, physical and cosmetic effects of ageing, in a natural way. To achieve this, it is vital to stay active and take proper care of certain areas such as nutrition and skin hydration, for example.

After all, you can improve the ageing process by up to 75% by following certain habits:

  • Looking after your health
  • Keeping active
  • Boosting your mental activity and memory
  • Having healthy relationships and a positive social environment
  • Avoiding stress and bad habits

To help you to combat or delay ageing, both on the inside and outside (skin beauty), here are some tips that will allow you to live longer and better and look great.

The keys to healthy ageing:

  • Diet. You should follow a diet that provides your body with the nutrients it needs and, at the same time, provides energy. Avoid trans fats, sugar, refined foods and additives, and stick to lean protein (chicken, eggs, seafood, pulses), fruit and vegetables (especially ones high in antioxidants), whole grains (wholemeal) and dairy products. Slowing down ageing is much easier in Spain because of our wonderful Mediterranean diet.
  • Hydration. It is essential to keep yourself properly hydrated to allow your body to function as it should by drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. This will also stop your skin from drying outand prevent wrinkles, both signs of ageing skin. When your skin is hydrated, the collagen fibres in the cells retain water, increasing their size, which makes the skin look fuller and firmer.
  • Sleep. For your physical and mental well-being, and to support healthy ageing, 7-8 hours of sleep are needed every day to rest your body. Anyone who struggles to do this should avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other stimulants that hinder sleep. It’s also advisable to have a light dinner, not to drink too much before going to bed, avoid napping, have set bedtimes, etc.
  • Physical exercise. Daily exercise helps to prevent certain diseases, keeps the body and mind active and improves the body’s ability to react. It also increases tryptophan and serotonin levels, which improves sleep and happiness.
  • Personal and social relationships. For healthy ageing it is important to build and maintain positive relationships with family and friends, and to have an active sex life, to improve your well-being and make you feel better about yourself, more confident and happier.

The pomegranate: a superfood that slows the ageing process

To maintain your health and beauty, you need to keep free radicals in check. We told you about their effects in The causes and consequences of oxidative stress.  And diet is key to this.

One of the most effective natural ways to combat ageing caused by free radicals is to consume antioxidants. Your main source of these should be your food. A balanced and healthy diet that provides you with all the nutrients you specifically need, including antioxidant nutrients.

However, there are times and circumstances when your dietary intake of antioxidants is not enough, and to address this deficiency we have developed Keriba Forte, a natural food supplement made from the natural extract of whole fresh pomegranates with powerful antioxidant andanti-ageing properties, and which also helps to look after your health.

Pomegranates are rich in polyphenolic antioxidant compounds that slow down the skin’s ageing process by reducing oxidative stress and protecting against UV radiation.

  • It prevents the appearance of blemishes on the skin.
  • It stimulates collagen and elastin production.
  • It is beneficial for hair and skin care due to its anti-ageing action.
  • It is anti-inflammatory, so it acts as an adjuvant in inflammation-related diseases.
  • It is good for gut health. It has a prebiotic effect by promoting the growth and/or action of gut bacteria that are beneficial to health e.g. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
  • It is beneficial for functional urological and prostate diseases and disorders as it is anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and apoptotic in cases of prostate cancer. It is also effective in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction.

But what do pomegranates contain?


This fruit is composed of 80% water, 15% sugars and 3% fibre. It is rich in potassium, vitamins C, B1, B2 and niacin; and it also provides magnesium, phosphorus and iron. But there is perhaps one compound that is generating the most interest due to its anti-ageing properties: the polyphenol.


Punicalagins are the most remarkable polyphenols because of their antioxidant power and ability to slow down oxidative damage to cells.

Airborne particles and pollution cause oxidative damage, inflammation and premature ageing of the skin.

Keriba Forte

At Probelte Pharma we have taken advantage of the benefits and properties of punicalagins to create Keriba Forte with POMANOX, a natural supplement that effectively combats ageing.

Keriba Forte with POMANOX provides the daily dose of natural antioxidantsthat are needed to slow down the effects of ageing, promoting the regeneration of cells in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. It also prevents hyperpigmentation and, therefore, the appearance of blemishes and it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles. It also provides protection against UV radiation.

Additionally, Keriba Forte with POMANOX helps to care for your hair by strengthening it and increasing its density and thickness. It also prevents hair loss.

Therefore, taking Keriba Forte with POMANOX on a daily basis slows down the ageing process in the most natural way. Keriba Forte is a powerful anti-ageing product!

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