Health professionals

How running affects bones

Going running is beneficial for your bone structure, as it strengthens your bones and prevents future injuries. However, it is important to take care of your cartilage to avoid damaging your bones. Taking care of your bone structure is vital as it...


Ideas for a healthy and balanced breakfast

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? While the experts are yet to agree on this, what does seem clear is that the most important thing is that breakfast should behealthy, balanced and provide the energy you need for your activities over...


Foods rich in vitamin B6

<strong>Vitamin B6 </strong>or pyridoxine is a vitamin that <strong>is used to </strong><strong>produce energy</strong> from nutrients and to help <strong>form red blood cells and antibodies;...


Beauty after 50

As you get older, your body undergoes changes, especially if you are a woman, but there is no reason  why you can’tlookyoung and stunning as you get older. Nowadays, cosmetics play an important role in this process, but remember that the key is...


Good fats - what foods contain them?

In order to enjoy good health, it is essential to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. It requires both micronutrients - like vitamins and minerals - and macronutrients - such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In...

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