Health professionals

Atopic dermatitis: causes and treatment

Your kid has risen in the morning in a cheerful mood, like he does every day. A new day is beginning and, as usual, he is raring to go. However, he feels slightly itchy on some parts of his body, and there are several rashes on his skin. And no...


Allergy symptoms, hay fever season is here

Spring has sprung and with it the symptoms of allergy begin to flare up. They are often unpleasant and, in some cases, difficult to bear. Therefore, in Probelte Pharma's allergen immunotherapy blog, we explain why allergy symptoms become more acute...


What are good and bad cholesterol?

What are good and bad cholesterol? What are normal cholesterol levels? How can one lower them? Are natural capsules good for cholesterol? There are lots of questions that come to mind when we talk about the dreaded cholesterol. Therefore, in...


Prostate problems

When a person reaches a certain age (50), health begins to be the main focus of their life, and in the male domain, one ailment tends to be the most feared: prostate problems. Therefore, in Probelte Pharma’s therapeutic nutrition blog, we will be...


How to enhance sporting performance

Physical exercise equals health, equals sport, equals life. It also has a strong incentive for anyone who does it: it increases sporting performance. To run further, jump higher, be more flexible and stronger than last short, to gradually...

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