Health professionals

How to lower your cholesterol after Christmas

After Christmas, overindulgence in food and drink takes its toll on your body, so it's no wonder if you start to feel jittery! Attacks of gout, abdominal pains, poorer digestion for several days, bloating, etc. While this is all happening, there’s...


Oxidative damage: tips on how to prevent it

Oxidation is a process that occurs naturally in your body. But, like everything else, the dose makes the poison. A number of factors can increase oxidation in your body, which, in turn, can damage your cells. This is called oxidative stress. We...


The most common summer allergies

We associate the summer with sunshine, beaches, relaxation and health. However, precautions must be taken to avoid the unpleasant allergies that occur at this time of the year, affecting both children and adults. For this reason, the Spanish Society...


10 tips for doing sports in the summer

Now that the good weather is here, it's common to see more people doing sports outdoors. Whether it's because they're trying to get beach body ready or because the weather is nice, one thing is clear: summer is the best time to do sports and...

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