Health professionals

Golden rules for good cardiovascular health

Oxidative stress has a direct impact on cardiovascular health. What you may not know is that, very often, it can be easily improved by following a set of rules that are as simple as they are effective.

Rules for improving your cardiovascular health

– Give up bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. The first of these is totally off-limits. But if you drink a glass of red wine a day, you will benefit from the antioxidants in this type of grape.

– Improve your sex life. Having sex is not only pleasurable, it also protects your heart. In fact, it is recommended for women over 50 who have been through the menopause. Periods provide protection against heart attacks and losing them immediately puts you at higher risk. Having regular sex provides physical and mental benefits. It is recommended at least twice a week.

– Ginger, garlic and onion. Eating these three foods is essential for your heart. The first one because it is a superb anti-inflammatory, the second one because it is the best natural antibiotic and the third one because it improves blood circulation.

– Eat wholemeal bread and avoid white flour in other products. In the long term, this ingredient causes arteriosclerosis, which is why it is better to opt for other types of products and cereals to keep your health in tip-top shape.

– Keriba Duo. These capsules combine the effectiveness of olives with pomegranate, resulting in a product that is excellent for lowering cholesterol and increasing the level of antioxidants in your body.

– Eat 5 times a day. It is healthier than eating fewer meals. Your body won’t store as much fat when it knows it’s going to be fed more often, so this will also benefit your metabolism.

– Drink more water. You should drink between one and a half and two litres a day.

– Get up at least once every 2 hours to move around as much as possible. Staying seated and inactive for long periods of time does you no good whatsoever. Make sure you get up and move around for a few minutes every 2 hours.

– Change the way you eat. It is essential to chew each mouthful 30 times. Wait for a few seconds before taking the next mouthful. Choose a good portion and don’t overdo it. It is better to eat just enough than to eat too much.

– Sleep well. There is a lot of contradicting information about this. Many authors believe that sleeping for 8 to 9 hours a day is beneficial. The most recent studies indicate that around 7 hours is enough. So it is important that you get a good night’s sleep and, if possible, always follow the same ritual before you do. Changing these patterns – like on weekends when you sleep more or take naps – will alter your metabolism and could lead to the onset of heart disease.

– A more plant-based or fresh-food diet. The more raw food you eat, the more likely you are to benefit from its nutritional properties. Otherwise, you will be eating processed foods laced with chemicals that cause irreparable damage.

cardiovascular health

We hope you’ve found these rules useful. As you can see, maintaining your cardiovascular health is as simple as it is conducive to a better quality of life.

Oxidative stress is a direct result of all the habits that you have picked up, precisely because of the way it affects your body. Make sure you follow these tips to ensure that your health is no longer an issue.

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