Prostate problems
When a person reaches a certain age (50), health begins to be the main focus of their life, and in the male domain, one ailment tends to be the most feared: prostate problems. Therefore, in Probelte Pharma’s therapeutic nutrition blog, we will be talking about the prostate, its function in the body and the problems that can arise over the years. We will also be explaining how prostate capsules can help you to overcome this problem.
What is the prostate?
It should be noted that the prostate is only part of the male reproductive system. It is located just below the bladder, and is about the size of a walnut, but this can vary over time. Its function has not been fully defined, but we know that it produces around 10% of seminal fluid.
Common prostate problems
Firstly, there is prostatitis, which as the word itself suggests, is an inflammation that is usually caused by bacteria.
Secondly, benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is an enlargement of the prostate, is a common problem in adult men. This causes a dribble after urinating or the need to urinate very frequently, especially at night.
Finally, prostate cancer is sadly one of the most common cancers today, but if detected early, treatment can be very effective. This cancer comes in two forms, with 95% of cases occurring in the glandular tissue (adenocarcinoma), and the remaining 5% originating in the small cells of the prostate (neuroendocrine).
Symptoms of prostate problems
The symptoms you may notice include a feeling that you have not finished emptying your bladder completely and painful, urgent or too frequent urination. Occasionally, you may find a little blood in your urine or semen.
How can you prevent prostate problems?
One of the simplest preventive steps to take is to make some changes to your diet, for example, by adding nutrition supplements such as prostate capsules. Include certain foods, like cod, tuna or 100% natural pomegranate juice like Granadox, which is high in antioxidants.
However, there are a number of foods that should be avoided, like ones that are part of a high-calorie diet or those that contain too much animal fat, as they can promote prostatic carcinoma.
Stress is also a risk factor that may affect you. Physical exercise can help prevent these problems, and 30 minutes of physical exercise a day is recommended. And if you are overweight, you should consider losing a few pounds.
In terms of habits to prevent prostate problems, it is important to have regular sexual activity. Another step is to hydrate with water to empty your bladder every 3 hours, as it is very important not to hold in your urine.
These are some tips to help prevent you from having any problems with this disease, like taking prostate capsules made from natural extracts and looking after your diet. We recommend that you follow these tips and change your lifestyle habits if necessary. Your health and your prostate will benefit.