The top 5 natural sports supplements
Proper nutrition should include all types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats (healthy oils), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You should also follow a healthy lifestyle: get plenty of rest, exercise and drink lots of water.
However, for various reasons such as: lack of time for cooking, the stress of everyday life or not getting enough sleep, we are unable to meet all the needs of our bodies.
It is also true that there are times and stages in life or parts of the year when almost everyone needs to rely on a natural supplement, such as in spring, during busy study periods, or at the start of the sporting season.
For athletes, it is always advisable to take a supplement to maintain physical performance, either because they lose a large amount of mineral salts or because they require extra vitamins during exercise. Many of the supplements shown below can be found on countless websites that sell sports supplements.
Royal jelly
Royal jelly has numerous health benefits and is also full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
It could be called nature’s most complete food: it provides you with energy, vitamins, minerals and strengthens your body, as well as being one of the best supplements for improving your memory.
The great thing about royal jelly is that it is also suitable for everyone; both children and adults can benefit from its properties.
This food combats feelings of weakness and lack of vitality and prevents flu, colds and all kinds of infections.
Ginseng is an outstanding natural energy booster. It has been attributed with numerous benefits and properties throughout the ages.
Ginseng is effective for: increasing physical and mental performance, activating the immune system by increasing the capacity of the body’s defences to fight toxic agents such as influenza viruses and colds, prolonging the functionality of the body in the elderly, protecting the cardiovascular system, and preventing the formation of ulcers caused by stress.
Magnesium is a mineral that serves many functions. It helps us to reduce fatigue, maintain a good electrolyte balance and keep your bones in a good condition. Taking it is essential for increasing energy levels and muscle strength, which is why athletes should always take it.
Foods such as spinach, avocado and papaya contain high levels of magnesium. However, it can also be found on many websites that sell sports supplements.
Vitamin B6 and punicalagins
Vitamin B6 allows antibodies to form in order to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system, and it also regulates moods.
It is important for athletes to take it as it increases muscle performance and energy production.
Meanwhile, punicalagins are naturally found in pomegranates. They are very potent antioxidants found in pomegranate peel and juice, with three times the antioxidant power of wine and green tea.
Keriba Sport
Probelte Pharma sells natural sports supplements online, allowing you to purchase Keriba Sport, a natural food supplement based on whole fresh pomegranate fruit extract, vitamin B6 and magnesium.
In a clinical study conducted by the Exercise Physiology Laboratory of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), it was shown to delay fatigue and the onset of exhaustion and to minimise any muscle damage and inflammation associated with exercise. This makes Keriba Sport one of the best natural food supplements for physical tiredness, which helps you to enhance your sporting performance.
Helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue
Also, pomegranate extract is beneficial for joint health thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect and it inhibits cartilage degradation. Additionally, because it contains magnesium (a mineral with numerous benefits that is co-factor in over 300 reactions in our metabolism) and vitamin B6, it supports:
A good electrolyte balance, normal protein synthesis, normal function of proteins, muscles and metabolism. Normal bone maintenance, red blood cell formation and it reduces tiredness and fatigue.
All these benefits are recognised by EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority.