Health professionals

Tips on how to improve your running

When your body becomes accustomed to training it adapts and you can get into a rut: you are unable to lower your times, improve your stamina, run further distances, etc. To improve your running, it is important to avoid getting into a routine by varying the number, intensity and distribution of your training sessions.


Today we are going to give you some tips to follow to keep on improving:


Spread out the number and intensity of your training sessions

It is very important to know how to plan the volume and intensity of your training, because overdoing it can lead to a drop in performance. This can be achieved by combining long-distance running days with sprint days, with rest days or with functional training, varying the times and distances, etc. The important thing is to adapt the intensity and training to the goals you have in mind.


Measure your progress

Measuring the progress you make in each training session and taking the time to analyse it will help you to identify the things that help you improve and/or set you back. Furthermore, in order to improve your running and performance you need to avoid continuously, drastically increasing your training as your alternate your workouts, i.e. you should increase the intensity little by little, until you reach the point you want to reach, avoiding any strain or fatigue caused by a poor balance between training and recovery.


Endurance training

Whatever your goal, in this sport it is essential to build endurance. To do this, you should increase your weekly distances by a small percentage, i.e. increase the number of miles you run per week. Increase your running distances, even if you are training for a 5 km race, as this improves your aerobic capacity, which will increase your speed or how long you are able maintain a given pace during a race.


Strength training

To be a complete athlete you have to train your whole body, not just your legs or core, because you need strength to run at your best. Additionally, strengthtraining also reduces the risk of injuries.

improving your running

Make your recovery a priority

Setting aside time for recovery, alternating your workouts, training at certain intensities and times and being aware of your limitations will be the keys to your success.

Therefore, during rest day you can reduce your distance and/or slow down the pace of recovery and sleep for longer hours, because failing to recover properly increases the risk of injury and feelings of fatigue.


Look after your diet

It is important to look after your diet and pay attention to what you eat. In previous posts we have discussed diets for runners, but basically you should bear in mind that a healthy diet helps to improve your cardiovascular health, the speed at which you recover, your ability to protect yourself from illness and it helps to keep you healthy for as long as possible.

Our advice is to avoid processed foods, eat foods of high nutritional value and to include protein, fats and carbohydrates in your meals, distributed effectively to suit your training.


Stay positive and persevere

Themind plays a vital role in your progress, so enjoy running and don’t just think about the results; this will help to keep you feeling motivated and satisfied.

In this sport it takes time, determination and daily work to get results. You will find it very hard to notice your improvements in the short term and very easy to convince yourself that all that effort has been for nothing. So, be patient, determined and positive, the results will come.

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