Health professionals

9 habits to avoid after doing sport

After doing sport you may think that everything is done, but it is not, the work does not end when you leave the gym; it is important that you do certain things after training and avoid doing others. This will help you to get results and avoid...


Foods to combat muscle pain after sport

Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, is very common and we have all suffered from it at one time or another, and sometimes even on a regular basis. This pain may affect several muscles, involving a small area of the body, or it may also affect...


Natural products: Keriba food supplements

Opting for natural products is always a good choice, in fact it has been shown that natural products are extremely beneficial for your health. However, it is also true that not all of them are effective. To protect your health, it is essential to...


8 tips for running in the summer

We may be in the middle of the summer, but people who like running do not want to stop doing it, and if you have just started running, you won’t want to lose your momentum.  So, Probelte Pharma is going to give you some tips for running in the...


Foods rich in vitamin B6

<strong>Vitamin B6 </strong>or pyridoxine is a vitamin that <strong>is used to </strong><strong>produce energy</strong> from nutrients and to help <strong>form red blood cells and antibodies;...

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